Monday, November 4, 2013

A Heavy Heart

First, I want to say thank you to my loyal readers who are still out there reading this and have been wondering where the heck I have been.

I'm back, but with a very heavy heart. 

Unfortunately, we lost a true angel since the last time I was here.  My husband's, mother passed away on October 16th after an illness that required surgery.

She was recovering well and all indications were that she was going to be fine.  However, much to our surprise (and the doctors), in the early morning hours on the 16th, her heart gave out and she was taken from us.

It has been a difficult time for all of us, especially for my husband, Calvin, as this was his last living immediate family member.  He lost his sister and his best friend (his dad) about six years ago within months of each other.

His mom taught us a lot about many things, but mainly about love.  She would often say "love is about putting others needs before your own."

So please bear with me as I will be spending a lot of time taking care of her affairs but also supporting my husband, Calvin.  I will try to post as often as I can, but can't make any promises in the immediate future.

Having now lost both sets of our parents, we find ourselves in somewhat unchartered waters.  As I venture through this next stage of our lives, I hope to share little bits of her with you just as I have done of my own mother.

I was blessed to have known such an angel and so thankful for all of her love and wisdom.


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